Latest News

Interested in the keynote of Xavier Alameda-Pineda  on Variational Audio-Visual Representation Learning?

The slides of his talk are here:

Best Paper Award Presented to:  Kexin Li, Zongxin Yang, Lei Chen, Yi Yang, Jun Xiao 

for the paper titled:

      CATR: Combinatorial-Dependence Audio-Queried Transformer for Audio-Visual Video Segmentation


Honorable Mention Award Presented to:  Yue Feng, Zhengye Zhang, Rong Quan, Limin Wang, Jie Qin 

for the paper titled:

       RefineTAD: Learning Proposal-free Refinement for Temporal Action Detection


Best Student Paper Award Presented to:     Zixin Wang, Yadan Luo, Zhi Chen, Sen Wang, Zi Huang      

for the paper titled:

      Cal-SFDA: Source-Free Domain-adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Differentiable Expected Calibration Error


Brave New Idea Award Presented to: Zijie Ye, Jia Jia, Junliang Xing      

for the paper titled:

     Semantics2Hands: Transferring Hand Motion Semantics between Avatars


Open-Source Award Presented to:  Aaron Keesing, Yun Sing Koh, Vithya Yogarajan,  Michael Witbrock

for the paper titled:

Emotion Recognition ToolKit (ERTK): Standardising Tools For Emotion Recognition Research


Best Demo Award Presented to:  Djamahl Etchegaray, Yadan Luo, Zachary FitzChance,      Anthony Southon, Jinjiang Zhong      

for the paper titled:

          Open-RoadAtlas: Leveraging VLMs for Road Condition Survey with Real-Time Mobile Auditing


MRAC’23: Track 1: Affective Computing in Multimedia recording is available under:

Password: .1JuX%#=

we would like to thank all Area Chairs and Technical Program Committee members for their wonderful work.

We have provided some information for participants who wish to print their posters. Please be aware that this service is not provided by ACMMM 2023 but is offered by an external service. You are welcome to use it if you prefer, but please note that ACMMM 2023 organizers do not assume any responsibility for it.

Full List of the different tracks is available under:

Full Program of the main Track 902 accepted papers is available:

Listing paper numbers and titles to be presented on Monday, October 30, 2023

Listing paper numbers and titles to be presented on Tuesday Oct. 31 2023

Listing paper numbers and titles to be presented on Wednesday Nov. 1 2023


We’d like to inform you that your paper will be presented in a 2-minute teaser session for those attending in person. For those who may not be able to make it in person, we will also have 2-minute teaser sessions in separate offline sessions to ensure your research receives the attention it deserves. (Please check the news item from OCT. 9 below )

Some of our participants are unfortunately facing visa challenges that might prevent them from joining us in person at the conference. We understand the immense effort and dedication it takes to contribute to ACM Multimedia 2023, and we want to reassure everyone that even if you cannot attend in person due to unforeseen circumstances, your paper will still be featured in the conference proceedings. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a fulfilling and enriching experience for all participants, whether they attend in person or online. We will do our utmost to accommodate any challenges and ensure a satisfactory conference experience for all.


In addition, we’d like to inform you that your paper will be presented in a 2-minute teaser session for those attending in person. For those who may not be able to make it in person, we will also have 2-minute teaser sessions in separate offline sessions to ensure your research receives the attention it deserves.


We hope to see as many of you as possible, and we thank you for your understanding.

Make sure to book your hotel stay at the Westin Hotel, Ottawa conference hotel. The hotel is at the center of the conference activity, and will allow you to network easily with other conference attendees. Also, it’s a quick trip to get to the program and functions, and just as quick to nip back to your room for a break. Staying at the conference hotel will provide a better conference experience!


Everyone enjoys meeting in a comfortable conference venue, offering quality service and support for workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions, and other activities. As the transaction for those services and support, the conference guarantees that a percentage of attendees will stay in the hotel. The contract with the hotel then guarantees a specific number of sleeping rooms will be used each night during the conference. If the conference does not meet the contracted sleeping room commitment, the hotel gets paid anyway. Those unfilled rooms will cost the conference thousands of dollars.


Please support ACMMM 2023 and SIGMM by staying at the Westin Hotel!

The updated cut-off date is Oct. 13, 2023 at the Westin Hotel, Ottawa conference hotel. The hotel is at the center of the conference activity, and will allow you to network easily with other conference attendees. Also, it’s a quick trip to get to the program and functions, and just as quick to nip back to your room for a break. Staying at the conference hotel will provide a better conference experience!



Registration policy:



The author registration deadline is August  20, 2023. All authors, from all tracks of the conference (including workshops), must have registered by this deadline. Papers must be covered by an author registration to be included in the conference proceedings (ACM Digital Library).


Each paper at the conference must be covered by at least one author registration according to the following rules:

  • One Full registration (non-student)covers only: one Full or one BNI  or one Grand Challenge ;
  • One Full registration (non-student)covers two of the following papers: Demo, Doctoral Symposium, Open-source paper or Workshop paper;
  • One Student registrationcovers: one Demo or one Doctoral Symposium or one Open-source paper or Workshop Paper;
  • One 1-day-workshopregistration (student or full) covers one Workshop paper;

Note: Each paper requires a registration.

Just to clarify: ACM MM 2023 will be in-person event. Please register and book your hotel at the conference preferred rate to guarantee it.

All authors are kindly requested to complete their paper registration by August 20 to ensure inclusion in the proceedings. Take advantage of the early registration deadline for this purpose.

The conference is scheduled to be held at The Westin Hotel in the city of Ottawa, located at the heart of Canada. Please book your room at the special rate through the following URL:

4 Tutorials have been accepted at ACM MM 2023 and will be given on Oct. 29, 2023:

  1. Revisiting Learning Paradigms for Multimedia Data Generation
  2. Efficient Multimedia Computing: Unleashing the Power of AutoML on Multimedia Data
  3. Disentangled Representation Learning for Multimedia
  4. Diffusion Models in Generative AI

Main conference results are out: We received a total of 3669 papers, of which 3071 advanced to the final review process, while 598 were desk-rejected. As a result, we are proud to announce that 902 papers have been accepted.  This equates an acceptance rate of 29.3% when considering only the papers that made it to the final review process. Alternatively, if we include the desk-rejected papers, which were reviewed and swiftly decided upon by the Chairs, the acceptance rate becomes 24.6%.

Reviews Available: We now eagerly look forward to the authors’ rebuttals and the ensuing discussions. Thank you once again for your valuable contributions to the conference.

Keynote Speakers

Ralf Steinmetz

Ralf Steinmetz

Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
    Alejandro (Alex) Jaimes

    Alejandro (Alex) Jaimes

    Chief Scientist & SVP of AI at Dataminr
      Chang Wen Chen

      Chang Wen Chen

      The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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        0 +
        Keynotes & Award Winners
        Workshops We offer
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        Event Participants


        Four Major Themes of Multimedia

        Engaging users with multimedia

      • Emotional and Social Signals
      • Multimedia Search and Recommendation
      • Summarization, Analytics, and Storytelling

      • Experience

      • Interactions and Quality of Experience
      • Metaverse, Art and Culture
      • Multimedia Applications

      • Multimedia systems

      • Systems and Middleware
      • Transport and Delivery
      • Data Systems Management and Indexing

      • Understanding multimedia content

      • Multimodal Fusion and Embedding
      • Vision and Language
      • Media Interpretation


        Explore Ottawa

        Ottawa is a Cosmopolitan G7 Capital that’s home to Canada’s federal government, national associations, international embassies, and national and international media, so the city and the hospitality industry is skilled for hosting international travellers and events. Its populous is among the most educated in North America. Ottawa is a leading hub for R&D. And it is an urban destination that wows visitors with art and culture, music and festivals, landmark sites and outdoor adventure.


        Why attend ACM MM 2023

        • Great Researchers

          ACMMM provides an opportunity to talk to researchers one-on-one about what they are working on, and they may even give you advice on how to enhance your own work!

        • Networking

          ACM MM Conference is a great place to meet with likeminded people and industry peers!

        • New People

          A solid reputation is unquestionably helpful to everyone’s career. And interaction with ACM MM peers helps everyone builds a reputation!

        • Have Fun

          ACMMM provides life experience in the nation capital city (Ottawa). The social atmosphere also extends beyond business networking!

        WHO HELPS US

        Our Sponsors

        Looking forward to seeing you in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

        ACM MM starts in

        • 00Days
        • 00Hours
        • 00Minutes